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Carex Blue Zinger Ornamental Grass

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Carex Blue Zinger Ornamental Grass
Carex Blue Zinger Ornamental Grass
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Carex Blue Zinger Ornamental Grass
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Carex Blue Zinger, also known as Blue Zinger Sedge, is an ornamental grass-like plant renowned for its attractive blue-green foliage. It is a cultivar of the Carex genus, specifically Carex flacca.

The standout feature of Carex Blue Zinger is its striking blue-green leaves. The foliage is slender, arching, and has a unique blue hue that adds a cool and calming effect to the garden. The leaves form dense clumps, providing a lush and textural presence.

This sedge grass thrives in partial shade to full sun, although it generally prefers partial shade in hotter climates. It is adaptable to a range of soil types, including moist or moderately dry soils. Carex Blue Zinger is known for its hardiness and can withstand various weather conditions.

Carex Blue Zinger is often used for ground cover, borders, or as an accent plant in mixed plantings. Its blue-green foliage creates a serene and elegant backdrop for other plants, and it can also be utilized for erosion control on slopes. This grass-like plant adds an element of movement and softness to garden designs.

Caring for Carex Blue Zinger involves regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist, especially during dry periods. While it generally requires little pruning, removing any dead or damaged foliage can help maintain its appearance.

In summary, Carex Blue Zinger is a visually appealing ornamental grass-like plant with its unique blue-green foliage. Its adaptability, hardiness, and calming presence make it an excellent choice for adding color and texture to garden landscapes.


  • Zone: 4-8
  • Light Needs: Part Shade/Full Shade
  • Deciduous/Evergreen: Evergreen
  • Growth Habit: Grass
  • Growth Rate: Moderate
  • Average Mature Height: 12-18 in. tall
  • Average Mature Width: 12 in. wide
  • Deer Resistant: Yes


Climate Zone:
Plant Type:
Ornamental Grass
Mature Height:
12-18 Inches
Mature Width:
12 Inches
Sun Exposure:
Partial Shade/ Full Shade
Attracts Pollinators:
Growth Rate:
Deer Resistant:
Soil Type:
1 Gallon

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