Sketch-and-Go! Landscape Design
A free design solution from our expert team
We use pictures of your landscape to sketch a quick landscape design while we walk around the nursery with you to determine what plants you like and would work well in your space. You take your new plants and landscape design sketch home the very same day. For this option, we prefer to schedule an appointment and have pictures and measurements beforehand, but it is not necessary. This option is great for a quick design or for updating a new or existing bed.
Information we will need:
- Address, phone number, and email address
- Full picture of house or landscape to be designed
- Close pictures of beds, crevices, or areas to be designed
- Length and depth of beds or planting space
- Sun exposure
Any other pertinent information, including:
- Height of windows
- Water spigot location
- Drainage issues
- Trees not pictured that may cause more shade.
Benefits of working with a landscape designer:
- Get ideas from staff who design successful landscapes every day.
- Talk with a professional who will consider your interests.
- Learn what plants will work well with your sun exposure.
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