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Pear Tree Moonglow 5 Gallon

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The Moonglow Pear, Pyrus communis 'Moonglow', is a cultivar of the European Pear. Here are some key features of the Moonglow Pear:

  1. Origin: The Moonglow Pear was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and released in 1960. It is a cross between the Bartlett and Clapp's Favorite pear varieties.

  2. Fruit: Moonglow Pears produce large, golden-yellow fruit with smooth skin. The pears are juicy and sweet, with a mild flavor and fine texture. They are excellent for fresh eating, canning, and cooking.

  3. Harvest Time: Moonglow Pears are typically ready for harvest in late summer to early fall, depending on the climate and growing conditions. Pears are usually harvested when they are firm and mature but still slightly green, as they will continue to ripen off the tree.

  4. Pollination: Moonglow Pears are partially self-pollinating but will benefit from cross-pollination with another pear variety for optimal fruit production. Planting another pear tree nearby can help increase yields.

  5. Tree Characteristics: The Moonglow Pear tree is moderately vigorous and has an upright, spreading growth habit. It typically reaches heights of 8 to 10 feet at maturity, with a similar spread. The tree is hardy and adaptable to a wide range of soil types and climates.

  6. Blossoms: In spring, Moonglow Pear trees produce clusters of white blossoms with a mild fragrance. The blossoms are attractive to bees and other pollinators.

  7. Disease Resistance: Moonglow Pear trees exhibit good resistance to common pear diseases, including fire blight and pear scab. However, proper care and maintenance are still necessary to prevent and manage any potential issues.

  8. Uses: Moonglow Pears are versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways. They are delicious eaten fresh, sliced in salads, or used in desserts such as pies and tarts. They also hold up well to cooking and canning processes.

Overall, the Moonglow Pear is a popular choice among home gardeners and orchardists for its large, flavorful fruit, reliable production, and disease resistance. With proper care and maintenance, it can be a rewarding addition to any fruit garden or landscape.


Climate Zone:
Plant Type:
Fruit Tree
8-10 Feet
8-10 Feet
Sun Exposure:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
Bloom Color:
Attracts Pollinators:
Growth Rate:
Deer Resistant:
Soil Type:
5 Gallon

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