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Bloodgood Japanese Maple

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Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Group of Bloodgood Japanese maples
Bloodgood Japanese maple foliage
Bloodgood Japanese maple foliage
Bloodgood Japanese maple foliage
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
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The Bloodgood Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood') is a popular cultivar of the Japanese maple tree. Here are some key characteristics and information about the Bloodgood Japanese Maple:

  1. Appearance: The Bloodgood Japanese Maple is known for its stunning foliage. The leaves are deeply lobed and have a reddish-purple color, which turns a vibrant crimson in the fall. The tree typically grows in a compact, upright form.

  2. Size: This maple is a medium-sized tree, reaching a height of about 12 to 15 feet at maturity. Its spread can be equal to or slightly less than its height.

  3. Growth Rate: The Bloodgood Japanese Maple has a moderate growth rate, making it suitable for smaller gardens or spaces.

  4. Sun and Soil Requirements: It thrives in partial shade to full sun but tends to exhibit its best color in partial shade. The soil should be well-drained and slightly acidic.

  5. Hardiness Zone: Bloodgood Japanese Maple is hardy in USDA Zones 5-8. It can tolerate colder temperatures but may need protection in extremely harsh winter conditions.

  6. Landscape Use: This Japanese maple is often used as an ornamental tree in gardens, landscapes, and as a focal point in smaller yards. Its vibrant foliage adds visual interest throughout the growing season.

  7. Care and Maintenance: Like other Japanese maples, the Bloodgood variety requires regular watering, especially during dry periods. Mulching around the base of the tree can help retain soil moisture. Pruning may be done to maintain the desired shape and remove any dead or damaged branches.

  8. Disease Resistance: While generally hardy, Japanese maples can be susceptible to certain pests and diseases. Ensuring good air circulation around the tree and promptly addressing any issues can help maintain its health.

  9. Landscape Design: The Bloodgood Japanese Maple can be used as a specimen tree, in group plantings, or even in containers for a patio or deck.

Overall, the Bloodgood Japanese Maple is valued for its aesthetic appeal and is a favorite among gardeners and landscapers for its beautiful foliage and manageable size.


Climate Zone:
Plant Type:
Specimen Tree
12-15 Feet
12-15 Feet
Sun Exposure:
Partial Sun/ Partial Shade
Attracts Pollinators:
Growth Rate:
Deer Resistant:
Soil Type:

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