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Dianthus Sweet Williams 1 Gallon

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Dianthus Sweet Williams 1 Gallon
Dianthus Sweet Williams 1 Gallon
Dianthus Sweet Williams 1 Gallon
Dianthus Sweet Williams 1 Gallon
Dianthus Sweet Williams 1 Gallon
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Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus) is a popular biennial or short-lived perennial flowering plant known for its colorful and fragrant flowers. Here's some information about it:

  1. Description: Sweet William typically grows to a height of 12 to 24 inches, with a spread of 6 to 12 inches. It features slender stems with lance-shaped leaves and produces clusters of small, five-petaled flowers in shades of pink, red, white, and bicolor combinations. The flowers have a sweet, spicy fragrance and are often used in bouquets and floral arrangements.

  2. Growing Conditions: Sweet William thrives in full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. It prefers moist, fertile soil but is tolerant of poor soil conditions. Sweet William is easy to grow from seed and readily self-seeds, making it a popular choice for cottage gardens and informal landscapes.

  3. Blooming Season: Sweet William typically blooms in late spring to early summer, although some varieties may continue blooming into the summer months. The flowers attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies and are also excellent for cutting for use in arrangements and crafts.

  4. Maintenance: Sweet William is relatively low-maintenance and generally requires little care once established. Deadheading spent flowers can encourage prolonged blooming and prevent self-seeding, although some gardeners may appreciate the naturalization of Sweet William in the garden. Mulching around the base of the plants can help retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.

  5. Landscaping Uses: Sweet William is versatile and can be used in borders, cottage gardens, rock gardens, and container plantings. Its colorful flowers and compact growth habit make it suitable for edging beds and pathways. Sweet William also attracts beneficial insects to the garden and is deer-resistant.

Overall, Sweet William is a charming and easy-to-grow flowering plant that adds color and fragrance to the garden with its cheerful flowers and compact growth habit. With its versatility and low-maintenance nature, it's a favorite among gardeners looking to add cottage charm to their landscapes.


Climate Zone:
Plant Type:
1-2 Feet
6-12 Inches
Sun Exposure:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
Bloom Color:
Red, White, Pink
Attracts Pollinators:
Growth Rate:
Deer Resistant:
Soil Type:
1 Gallon

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