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Espoma Bone Meal 4lb
Espoma Bone Meal 4lb
Espoma Bone Meal 4lb
Espoma Bone Meal 4lb
Espoma Bone Meal 4lb
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Espoma Bone Meal 4lb
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Espoma Bone Meal is an organic fertilizer made from finely ground bone meal, a natural source of phosphorus and calcium. Here's some information about Espoma Bone Meal:

  1. Composition: Espoma Bone Meal is made from finely ground bone meal derived from animal bones, typically from cattle. Bone meal is rich in phosphorus, an essential nutrient for root development, flowering, and fruiting in plants. It also contains calcium, which helps build strong cell walls and supports overall plant health.

  2. Nutrient Content: Bone meal is primarily valued for its high phosphorus content. Phosphorus is important for promoting strong root growth, early plant establishment, and vigorous flowering and fruiting. It is particularly beneficial for flowering plants, fruit trees, and root crops that require additional phosphorus during periods of active growth.

  3. Slow-Release: Espoma Bone Meal is a slow-release fertilizer, meaning that it gradually breaks down in the soil over time, providing a steady supply of nutrients to plants. This slow-release action helps prevent nutrient leaching and runoff, making it an environmentally friendly option for fertilizing gardens and landscapes.

  4. Soil Amendment: In addition to providing essential nutrients, Espoma Bone Meal also helps improve soil structure and fertility. It contains organic matter that helps increase soil moisture retention, improve soil aeration, and enhance microbial activity in the soil, leading to healthier, more productive plants.

  5. Application: Espoma Bone Meal can be used as a soil amendment or fertilizer for a wide range of plants, including flowers, vegetables, fruits, shrubs, and trees. It can be applied to the soil at planting time or worked into the soil around established plants as a top dressing. Follow the package instructions for specific application rates and guidelines.

  6. Organic Certification: Espoma Bone Meal is OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) listed, which means it is approved for use in organic gardening practices. It contains no synthetic chemicals or additives, making it safe for use around children, pets, and wildlife.

Overall, Espoma Bone Meal is a natural and effective fertilizer option for providing phosphorus and calcium to plants and improving soil fertility. Whether used as a soil amendment or fertilizer, it helps promote healthy plant growth and abundant flowering and fruiting in the garden.


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