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Kaleidoscope Abelia
Kaleidoscope Abelia
Kaleidoscope Abelia
Kaleidoscope Abelia
Kaleidoscope Abelia in black pot at Settlemyre Nursery
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Kaleidoscope Abelia, scientifically known as Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope,' is a visually stunning and popular ornamental shrub. It is a variegated cultivar of the glossy abelia, prized for its vibrant and ever-changing foliage colors. Here are key features of Kaleidoscope Abelia:

  1. Foliage: The most notable characteristic of Kaleidoscope Abelia is its multicolored foliage. The leaves emerge with a blend of green, yellow, orange, and red hues. As the seasons progress, the colors intensify and shift, creating a kaleidoscope effect.

  2. Size: This abelia cultivar typically has a compact and rounded growth habit. It can reach a height and width of about 2 to 3 feet, making it suitable for various garden settings.

  3. Flowers: In addition to its colorful foliage, Kaleidoscope Abelia produces small, fragrant, tubular flowers. The flowers are typically white to light pink and bloom in late spring to early summer.

  4. Sunlight Requirements: This abelia prefers full sun to partial shade. Adequate sunlight exposure enhances the intensity of the foliage colors.

  5. Soil and Watering: Kaleidoscope Abelia thrives in well-draining soil and benefits from regular watering, especially during dry periods. Once established, it tends to be relatively drought-tolerant.

  6. Hardiness: This cultivar is generally hardy in USDA zones 6 to 9, making it suitable for a range of climates.

  7. Landscape Use: Kaleidoscope Abelia is commonly used in landscapes for its ornamental appeal. It works well as a specimen plant, in mixed borders, or as part of a foundation planting. Its compact size makes it suitable for containers.

  8. Year-Round Interest: One of the notable features of Kaleidoscope Abelia is its year-round interest. The ever-changing foliage provides color in multiple seasons, and the flowers add to its overall charm.

Proper care, including regular pruning to maintain its shape and enhance its appearance, can help keep Kaleidoscope Abelia healthy and vibrant. As with any plant, local climate conditions and specific care requirements should be considered for optimal growth.


Climate Zone:
Plant Type:
Flowering Shrub
2-3 Feet
2-3 Feet
Sun Exposure:
Full Sun/ Partial Shade
Bloom Time:
Late Spring
Bloom Color:
Attracts Pollinators:
Growth Rate:
Deer Resistant:
Soil Type:

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