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Maple Tree Red Sunset 15 Gallon

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Maple Tree Red Sunset 15 Gallon
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Product Description:

Add a burst of vibrant color and a touch of wild beauty to your garden with Bee Balm (Monarda didyma). Known for its striking, tubular flowers and aromatic foliage, Bee Balm is a favorite among gardeners and pollinators alike. This hardy perennial produces brilliant clusters of red, pink, or purple blooms, creating a stunning focal point in any landscape. Its fragrant leaves also make it a delightful addition to herb gardens and sensory plantings.


  • Vibrant Blooms: Produces clusters of striking, tubular flowers in shades of red, pink, or purple.
  • Attracts Pollinators: A favorite of bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.
  • Fragrant Foliage: Aromatic leaves release a pleasant scent when brushed or crushed.
  • Long Blooming Season: Flowers from mid-summer to early fall, providing extended visual interest.
  • Versatile Growth: Suitable for garden beds, borders, cottage gardens, and herb gardens.
  • Medicinal Uses: Traditionally used in herbal remedies for its antiseptic and digestive properties.
  • Low Maintenance: Easy to grow and care for, with minimal pruning required.
  • Deer Resistant: Less likely to be browsed by deer, making it a reliable choice for many landscapes.
  • Spreads Easily: Forms dense clumps, which can be divided to propagate new plants.

Enhance your garden with the colorful and fragrant Bee Balm, a versatile and low-maintenance perennial that brings both beauty and biodiversity to your outdoor space.


15 Gallon

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