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Sunshine Ligustrum in landscape
Sunshine Ligustrum foliage
Sunshine Ligustrum in pot
Sunshine Ligustrum in landscape
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Sunshine Ligustrum in landscape
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Sunshine Ligustrum, scientifically known as Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine,' is a popular cultivar of Chinese privet. It is known for its vibrant golden-yellow foliage, which adds a bright and cheerful touch to garden landscapes. Here are some key features of Sunshine Ligustrum:

  1. Foliage: The most distinctive feature of Sunshine Ligustrum is its striking golden-yellow foliage. The leaves are oval-shaped and glossy, creating a lively and colorful appearance.

  2. Growth Habit: Sunshine Ligustrum has a compact, upright growth habit. It typically forms a dense, rounded shape without requiring extensive pruning.

  3. Size: At maturity, Sunshine Ligustrum can reach a height of around 3 to 5 feet, making it suitable for various garden settings, including hedges, borders, or as a stand-alone specimen.

  4. Sunlight Requirements: This cultivar thrives in full sun to partial shade. Adequate sunlight exposure enhances the intensity of the golden foliage.

  5. Soil and Watering: It prefers well-draining soil and benefits from regular watering. While it can tolerate periods of drought once established, consistent watering helps maintain its health and appearance.

  6. Hardiness: Sunshine Ligustrum is known for its hardiness in a variety of climates. It is generally suitable for USDA hardiness zones 6 to 10.

  7. Versatility: This cultivar is versatile and can be used in different landscaping applications. It works well as a foundation plant, in mixed borders, or as a low hedge.

  8. Low Maintenance: Sunshine Ligustrum is relatively low-maintenance. Pruning can be done to maintain the desired shape, but it is not as invasive or vigorous as some other Ligustrum varieties.

  9. Pest and Disease Resistance: Chinese privets, including Sunshine Ligustrum, are generally resistant to many common pests and diseases.

Sunshine Ligustrum is valued for its vibrant color, adaptability, and ease of care. As with any plant, it's essential to consider its specific growth requirements and suitability for your local climate. Regular maintenance, including occasional pruning, can help keep the plant in optimal condition. Before planting, it's advisable to check for any updated information on care practices specific to the cultivar in your region.


Climate Zone:
Plant Type:
3-5 Feet
3-4 Feet
Sun Exposure:
Full Sun/ Partial Shade
Attracts Pollinators:
Growth Rate:
Deer Resistant:
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