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Hoya Heart Variegated Vine

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Hoya Heart Variegated Vine
Hoya Heart Variegated Vine
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Variegated Vine Hoya kerrii, commonly known as the Sweetheart Hoya or Valentine Hoya, is a charming and popular houseplant known for its heart-shaped leaves. Here are some key features and care tips for Hoya kerrii:

  1. Leaf Shape: The most distinctive feature of Hoya kerrii is its heart-shaped leaves, which have earned it the nickname "Sweetheart Hoya." The leaves are thick, succulent, and come in various sizes, including small and large variations.

  2. Light: Provide bright, indirect light for optimal growth. While Hoya kerrii can tolerate lower light conditions, it prefers well-lit areas without direct sunlight. Protect it from intense sun exposure, which can scorch the leaves.

  3. Watering: Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Water sparingly, as Hoyas are succulent plants and are prone to root rot if overwatered. Adjust the watering frequency based on environmental conditions.

  4. Temperature: Maintain temperatures between 60-80°F (15-27°C). Hoya kerrii prefers warm conditions and should be protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes.

  5. Humidity: Hoyas are adaptable to average indoor humidity levels. If the air is dry, misting the plant occasionally or placing it near a humidity source can be beneficial.

  6. Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix suitable for succulents or orchids. Adding perlite or sand to the mix can improve drainage.

  7. Fertilizing: Feed with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength every 2-4 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce or eliminate fertilization in the dormant season (fall and winter).

  8. Support: While Hoya kerrii is not a vining plant like some other Hoyas, it may benefit from a small stake or support to maintain an upright growth habit.

  9. Propagation: Hoya kerrii can be propagated through leaf cuttings or stem cuttings. Both methods can result in new plants, and the heart-shaped leaves can be a lovely gift for friends or loved ones.

  10. Container: Plant Hoya kerrii in a container with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

Hoya kerrii is a symbol of love and is often given as a gift during special occasions. With its heart-shaped leaves and easy-care nature, it's a delightful addition to homes and a favorite among plant enthusiasts.


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Bright, Indirect Light
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