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Philodendron McColleys Finale

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Philodendron McColleys Finale
Philodendron McColleys Finale
Philodendron McColleys Finale
Philodendron McColleys Finale
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Philodendron 'McColleys Finale' is a spectacular tropical plant known for its large, colorful leaves and smooth texture. Here are key features and care tips for Philodendron gloriosum:

  1. Leaves: The most distinctive feature of Philodendron 'McColleys Finale' is its large, colorful leaves that can grow up to a substantial size. The leaves are often dark red and fade to green as the foliage ages.

  2. Growth Habit: Philodendron McColleys Finale is a climbing or trailing plant, and its vines can reach impressive lengths. It's commonly grown indoors on supports or allowed to cascade from hanging baskets.

  3. Light: Provide bright, indirect light for Philodendron McColleys Finale. While it can tolerate lower light conditions, optimal growth and leaf coloration occur in bright, filtered light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.

  4. Temperature: Maintain temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Protect the plant from drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations. This philodendron prefers warm and humid conditions.

  5. Humidity: Philodendron McColleys Finale appreciates higher humidity levels. Regular misting, placing a tray of water nearby, or using a humidifier can help create a more favorable environment.

  6. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top inch or two of the soil to dry out between waterings. Adjust the watering frequency based on the environmental conditions and the specific needs of the plant.

  7. Soil: Plant in a well-draining potting mix rich in organic matter. A mix formulated for aroids or a general-purpose potting mix with added perlite or orchid bark works well.

  8. Fertilization: Feed the plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce fertilization in the fall and winter when growth slows.

  9. Pruning: Prune Philodendron McColleys Finale to control its size and shape. Regular pruning can also help encourage bushier growth and maintain the plant's appearance.

Philodendron McColleys Finale is a prized plant among collectors due to its impressive foliage. Providing it with the right care, including proper lighting, humidity, and watering, will help it thrive and display its magnificent leaves.


Climate Zone:
Plant Type:
Mature Height:
3-4 Feet
Mature Width:
2-3 Feet
Sun Exposure:
Bright, Indirect Light
Growth Rate:
Soil Type:

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