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Succulent String of Tears

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Succulent String of Tears
Succulent String of Tears
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"String of Tears" is another common name for the plant Senecio herreianus. Similar to the String of Pearls plant, Senecio herreianus is a succulent native to Namibia and South Africa. It is also known for its trailing stems, which bear small, bead-like leaves. Here's some more information about the String of Tears plant:

  1. Appearance: The String of Tears plant features long, trailing stems that can reach several feet in length. The stems are lined with small, tear-shaped leaves that are green in color and have a translucent quality, giving them a delicate appearance.

  2. Growing Conditions: Like other succulents, String of Tears prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. It can tolerate some direct sunlight but may become scorched if exposed to too much intense light. As with most succulents, it's important to avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.

  3. Propagation: String of Tears can be propagated from stem cuttings, which root easily in soil or water. Simply cut a piece of stem with several leaves and allow it to callus over before planting it in a suitable growing medium.

  4. Care: String of Tears is relatively low-maintenance and requires infrequent watering once established. Water the plant when the soil is dry, but be sure not to let it sit in standing water. Regular pruning can help maintain its trailing shape and encourage new growth.

  5. Decorative Use: String of Tears is often grown in hanging baskets or displayed in pots, where its trailing stems can spill over the edges for a cascading effect. It can also be incorporated into mixed succulent arrangements or used as a ground cover in outdoor gardens in warmer climates.

Overall, String of Tears is prized for its unique appearance and ease of care, making it a popular choice for succulent enthusiasts and indoor gardeners alike.


Climate Zone:
Plant Type:
Mature Height:
12 Inches or more
Sun Exposure:
Bright, Indirect Light
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